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 Whenever me and my friends zeke carter and Quinn go to sleep we will have a dream when were warriors from the series by erin hunter I will be a light gray cat with a white belly paws and tail and I will have dark gray spots going up my legs and light blue swirls I will have blue eyes and a scar on my cheek I will be trained by starclan and my warrior name will be blizzardfur and I will become leader and Im fast strong and clever same with zeke and he will love me as a cat and human and he will be black with red patterns and his name is shadowheart and Quinn will be white and have purple wave marks and her name is blossomfur and carter is black with yellow patches and his name is patchheart and zeke and carter are brothers and Quinn and I are sisters and in the day we have very good senses and sharp teeth and we act like cats sometimes and also we all have wings in our clan and we can shapeshift into our cats during the day and when we die we are reborn together and our clan is skyclan

Light all candles by getting 100 votes and this wish will be GOLD
A gold Wish is 500% more possible to come true

4678 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Feb 25 2016  |  Votes : 21
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 10136  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish i'm able to full understand and speak russian and i have an indestructible bracelet with a green and red switch i can use to speak means i can speak and understand itred means i can't and i will be able to speak normaly againi'm making this wish because i have a nice russian friend and i would love it if i can speak with himand have fun.Please help me
Feb 25 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that by the time me and my and classmates have o transfer to high school, they would have expanded Lindow Community primary (my school), so it replaces Wilmslow High as Lindow Community. It's basically an expanded version of lindow with Nursery, Primary, High school, College and University. But from High School and onwards you don't have forms, just classes that are separated by what primary school you went to (if not one in Wilmslow, they are in 'Other'. Everyone from Wilmslow High goes to Lindow Community because Wilmslow High is closed down as Lindow Community has replaced it. Everyone in my class plus all my friends go there (Ruby, Faye Maisy especially). I finally make my wishing jar, and the zodiac thing I came up with happens. Whoever votes this will get there wish to come true instantly.
Feb 25 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I could sing like anyone I want all I have to do is say that persons name softly male, female or robotic, that I'll hit every note perfectly so no one can say I can't because I have been hurt in the past about my voice also when I'm singing 'Feelings' may I be able to flout as high as I want to no limit of what I can do when I sing perfectly.
Feb 24 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I can fly.I can fly without wings, and my crush will chase me and I will fly up not down. I will use my mind to land and fly.When I can't think I will use my body, arms, and legs.
Feb 24 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that i will Wake up With a black Purple book with a gold colour star in the middle in my face and a penn. The penn will never run Our of inc? or whatever and the book will never run out of pages When i Write in a wish using the penn in the book the wish will come true i Write in the wish and say this Dear book please make my wish come true I will never forget that sentince to Cause i usally forget Things but its IMMPOSSIBLE to forget that if the book gets stolen it will teleport back to me the Next 5 minutes When someone else tries to use the book it wont work Instead The book will just cast a spell on the person that tries to use it The spell wont harm after it did that the book immediatly teleports back to me The book can also never be destroyed if someone tries the book will also cast a spell But it wont harm and the book will also teleport back to me immediatly after casting the spell like always. I swear that i will use the Magic to good i wont wish for bad Things. :)
Feb 23 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish i was SUPER flexible i could do whatever i wish to With my flexibility. I will be the most flexible girl in the world.. Well, I Guess thats only it..
Feb 23 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that i would be able to sing all the girl songs PERFECTLY every detail every sound. and i will be best at the "If Only" song. i will become the best singer of history! And how i will see that my voice changed? the universe will give me another chance in my life. They will send me back to when i just turned 3 years old. I will still know and remember everything i know and remember now. And when i turn 3 i will Wake up and make an amazing singing tone. My sis will come barging in Our room and be like "Hvar det deg!?" I will say "Eg trur det" Then she will freak out because how beutifull my voice is. But also i will be an expert and physchokenises and biokenises and water bending Earth bending Wind bending fire bending and all that stuff. Im sorry if this is to much.. But.. the reason i want this.. Is that if i do this.. Then maybe... "He" will like me.. (btw when i get sendt back all the wishes i wanted in this time will come true when i time travel or whatever)
Feb 23 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that sometime in my life, I will be able to have a pug. Boy or girl is fine with me. It would be SOOOOOOOO cute. It would sleep at the end of my bed at night, and bark with excitement when I came home, and would lick my face all over. I would take very good care of it. Please grant my wish soon.
Feb 23 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I could speak all the languages of the world and write out the language if it had odd symbols (such as Russian, Chinese, or Icelandic) without having to spend any money on or any time on learning them. I would just all of a sudden know every language as if it were my home language as soon as I get enough votes. I could communicate with anyone and understand anyone, which would tremendously help in countless ways. I could communicate with anyone at anytime in any language, just as easy as if they were speaking English.
Feb 22 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that i would have a necklace with unlimited wishes under my pillow in 2 minutes. Also I wish that I would get an envelope in the mail tomorrow with lots and ots of money(like 1 thousand dollars or so). And also I wish for candy in the mail too!!!! Please vot PLEASE
Feb 22 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that in 5 minutes I would get an envolope for me in the mail that has a necklace with unlimited wishes. All i have to do is say my wish and snap my fingers than my wish would instantly come true! And I can make wishes outloud, in a whisper, or i can say or imagine my wish in my mind!!
Feb 21 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that when I woke up tomorrow I would have a necklace under my pillow. It is a wish necklace an it would have unlimited wishes. I have to say my wish ad sap my figers then it comes true right then.
Feb 21 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that tomorrow i would have a necklace under my pillow with ulimited wishes. And i just have tosay "i wish" (then my wish) ad it would come true in 2 seconds.
Feb 21 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish for Jenn to come Back to North Carolina so we can meet each other to let her see that I am the one for her to no have a girlfriend in MI to also be her girlfriend as well as mine.
Feb 21 2016
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish to have butiful gold wings to fly through the sky. when I jump up I fly.i also wish for a fairy to come to my house.she will have brown hair. her powers would be ice and she can grant my last wish is that everyone will think I'm popular
Feb 25 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish i have the Huawei p8 Max 64Gb phone. I need a new phone. Please vote this my friends. This is my favorite phone. Please vote and I'll vote you're wishes everyday. Thank you.
Feb 25 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that a guy in my school names James, in grade 7 would like me. And I wish that my friend Elise was not so selfish. I wish that I would get a box in the mail tomorrow with a necklace. It is a gold necklace with a gold shooting star. This necklace has unlimited wishes and will never ever ever run out of wishes. I have to hold the shooting star and say my wish: outloud, whisper, or say/imagine the wish in my head. Once I say my wish I snap my fingers and it istantly comes true!!
Feb 25 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I could be the smartest person in the whole of Balfour primary school in Brighton and that I'm in the highest maths group and that I'm the most talented girl in my school and most popular and always get a main part in all my school plays even in high school and that what ever high school I get into every single one of my friends and anyone who is popular get into my school too and that I get an iPhone 6s for free and get Instagram and get the most followers in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!!! please vote please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it would make me really happy I'll vote for every single one of your wishes!!!!!!!!
Feb 26 2016
Other Wishes
  My dad doesnt bealive in Magic He says its stupid! He even says IM STUPID for bealiving in Magic! Im so bored of this! I wish i had the ability to use Magic,spells and potions and all that stuff! I wish i could be able to do anything i wanted! I want to prove to my dad that Magic EXISTS!! So, I wish that the universe would work for me. Instead of against me. Please vote for my wish! Im so bored of my dad! I know Magic exists and i want to PROVE IT TO HIM!!!! I cant wait until i see his face when he sees me use a spell.. Well, Before i get 100 votes my Powers are already beeing created and i will be able to do much before 100 votes. So, when i get 100 votes i will the NeXT day get headache. And then at School i will "Accedently" Use Magic to know that my wish has 100 votes.
Feb 26 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I can have lost weight and have muscle to make cute, handsome, muscle man to ask me on date or ask me to do sexual activity with him in private.
Feb 27 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I can have rage eye color when I get angry, ocean blue eye color when I'm sad, and light greenish eye color when I get confuse or thinking. Please vote for me!! :D
Feb 27 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish the people who makes commission for furries and human comics, doujins, games, animations, and movies be free for me to put my anime and furries characters in it so that I don't have to pay them with cashes or paypal because my family are midclass and not rich. Please vote for me and I really need this!! :(
Feb 27 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that BlackWarGreyMon from Digimon Adventure Season 2 in English Dub, was real so he can be my future digimon husband to protect me from danger like enemies, bullies, haters, and other bad people. Don't forget to like please. If you vote for me, I will do the same thing for you because I care for people that needs there wishes too! :D
Feb 27 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I have a magical wishing star ring on my right hand ring finger that only appears during in the afternoon till morning when the ring disappear everyday with unlimited wishes that cannot be ran out so I can make any type of wishes for myself or the people that I can help with that needs it only if he or she has been going a rough life time and help them to have a happy life. VOTE for me for this one and I will help you with my magical wishing star ring once it comes true in 100 votes. I promise but only for something that I can help for you to help your bad life into a happiness life in your future because I care for people who have been through so much rough time back then like me that I have a rough life time back in my childhood through adult.
Feb 27 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that the secret burning wish in my heart that i have been wishing for since i was small would come true so that I can finally be happy and free and not have to be fearful anymore.
Feb 27 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that the boy I keep on dreaming for comes true. I wish that all the specific traits are known. He has brownish hair, and he looks exactly like Thomas Brodie-Sangster when he was 13 years old, or ven when he was the age I wish for him to be (my age, he's born at the exact same time as me, on the same day, same year). He's like me. He's exactly how I imagine him, and we are friends for the rest of our lives. We meet when he's new to my class, and we instantly know we're the same. We are the meant to be people to solve the mystery of the universe. Are IQ's exceed the possible standards, and we can communicate telepathically. We go to Wilmslow High, and we live with each other (since when we are 11, that's when I meet him, and we live together with our family). We can tell each other ANYTHING. I wish that he is COMPLETELY how I imagine him, and no surprises/changes are made. He is EXACTLY as I thought. Everyone votes this and it comes true EXTREMELY quickly.
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that my dad would pass over so that i can finally be free and start living life and never have to be fearful and have anxiety and finally be happy
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that i would get a good paying job that i really like as soon as my contract has expired so that i can earn enough money to be happy and never have to worry about studying
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes