Make a Wish come True - HOME >> Categories >> Other Wishes >> WishID: 10182
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 I wish that I've learned the Japanese language. And how to read and write Japanese. I gotten to move to Japan and to live in Tokyo, and have an awesome job, and a decent home. And that I know how to make a lot of their delicious foods.

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4704 /8585 Category : Other Wishes

Posted at : Mar 04 2016  |  Votes : 30
Category : Other Wishes
WishID : 10182  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish that i grown big blue wings and that i can have any power i want and also for my eyes to be dark hazel green and i also wish that everybody in this site's wishes come true. Please vote for my wish i really wanna believe that wishes really do come ill vote for ya'll too thnks!!
Mar 03 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I will pass This years grade and next years. I wish my IQ would go up to 185. And I wish I was really good at every subject in school so I don't have to study for tests. I can get assignments done in minutes. I can memorize everything that I have to memorize for memory work. I want to get A's on all subjects. No matter how hard I try I can't get a good grade in math I really sucks at math. I want to pass 7th grade and go to 8th and so forth. I never got held back before and I don't want to! Please vote I want this to come true!!!
Mar 02 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish One week family was realOne child will switch families for one week. The child will go through the transformation process the child will revive the: skin tone Freckles/Buety marks Eye color Hair color Nose shap Mouth of the other child switching families. At the end of the week the children will revive their old traits back .The child will stay with that family for one week then go back to his/her origanal family for one week.
Mar 02 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I've gotten to see a shooting star for the first time. During sometime this spring, and that I finally got to see another full moon too.
Mar 02 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I was a beutiful female girl with cat ears and a tail with soft,fluffy,brown fur. My cat eyes will have an outer and inner iris of red the out side iris will be brighter than the inner iris. I will have a soft voice that is appealing to all ears. I can create, use or manipulate any kind of fire and if I accidentally burn myself, I would not be harmed. If I get to angry, or just for the fun of it I can make my skin turn into molten rock and my cat ears and tail will be blazing fire from the lava cracks all my organs in that form would be lava and one way to stop it would do it manually or to drink or get sprayed by any liquid.
Mar 02 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I could speak Japanese fluently, with no flaws or errors. I also wish that a mint green 3ds would come in the mail, along with the latest Pokemon games, and Tomodachi Life, and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Kinda unrelated, but I had to reach the criteria of 120 characters somehow...
Mar 01 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I had a 'Life Note'. The Life Note will allow me to bring new people into the world. All I have to do is write their name, their past, and the things they'll do in life. I also wish that I never get tired from writing, my wrist will never hurt, and I'll have flawless handwriting. My final wish is that everyone who votes for this has their wish come true.
Mar 01 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I could create the most amazing drawings anybody has ever seen, on paper or digitally. I know the best shading techniques and can line art perfectly without mistakes. I also know proper anatomy and can draw humans without mistakes. I can draw realistically or anime-style. I can also animate professionally, and I know every single tip and trick. It's my dream to be a professional artist, so please vote for this. Oh, and one more thing: I wish for everyone who votes for this wish to have good luck.
Mar 01 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had a magic typewriter that grants whatever I type into it, with no bad side-effects. The ink is already inside the typewriter, and will never run out. The typewriter will come with one piece of paper that automatically clears itself up when it's full, but all the wishes I made with it are still put into action. The typewriter will come in the mail, and will be in a box, wrapped in green wrapping paper. A red bow will be glued on top, looking strangely neat. Nobody else can make wishes in my typewriter, or see what I wish for. The typewriter can never be lost or stolen. I will visit this page everyday until I get 100 votes, mark my words. If you vote for me, once I get my typewriter, I shall wish for all of my voters to get good luck.
Feb 29 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I was Beyond god I want flawless health superhuman strength super speed muscles as durable as diamonds bones as hard as steel undying immortality unlimited chi and spiritual power impossible level of intelligence I want to be super perfect fearless unfettered by reality unstoppable beyond logic of any science able to talk at sonic levels of volume and hear supersonic sounds be beyond immortal understanding be separated from reality own my own world and dimension space time be invincible to all known things completely intangible to spirits able to time travel able to modify reality.
Feb 29 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I would have magic powers and I can do anything with them! I can even make up a power, this has been my wish ever since I was 6 years old and now I'm 12 and ill be turning 13 in April. plz plz plz make my wish come true, I would use my powers for good and to help others and have fun! also, whenever I use my magic, my eyes will turn purple, and I can make my hair turn straight and pitch black. plz make me one of the most happiest people in the universe and help me make my wish come true!!! thank u! :) hope everyone's wishes come true! :)
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that i would get a good paying job that i really like as soon as my contract has expired so that i can earn enough money to be happy and never have to worry about studying
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that my dad would pass over so that i can finally be free and start living life and never have to be fearful and have anxiety and finally be happy
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that the boy I keep on dreaming for comes true. I wish that all the specific traits are known. He has brownish hair, and he looks exactly like Thomas Brodie-Sangster when he was 13 years old, or ven when he was the age I wish for him to be (my age, he's born at the exact same time as me, on the same day, same year). He's like me. He's exactly how I imagine him, and we are friends for the rest of our lives. We meet when he's new to my class, and we instantly know we're the same. We are the meant to be people to solve the mystery of the universe. Are IQ's exceed the possible standards, and we can communicate telepathically. We go to Wilmslow High, and we live with each other (since when we are 11, that's when I meet him, and we live together with our family). We can tell each other ANYTHING. I wish that he is COMPLETELY how I imagine him, and no surprises/changes are made. He is EXACTLY as I thought. Everyone votes this and it comes true EXTREMELY quickly.
Feb 28 2016
Other Wishes
Next 14 Wishes at category Other Wishes
  I wish to be able to sing very well with the sweetest and the loveliest voice ever. I wish to be able to use both falsetto and chest voice fluently. I also wish for my mother to let me get vocal training to help achieve my wish above.
Mar 05 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that Estonia wins Eurovision 2016. they last won in 2001 - now it's time for them to win again with this incredible song. ´´Play'' - Jüri PootsmannEstonia deserves to WIN!! Ps: it sounds something like..... James Bond movie would have ( intro/theme song)
Mar 05 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that every single spell that I cast on will come true the very next day. I wish that anyone who knows of the site and who are having trouble with it working will have it work for them very fast.
Mar 06 2016
Other Wishes
  Please please please vote my wish I'm begging you, I wish for it ever since I was 7 or 8 idk but please vote for my. Every single day I go on here and see if anyone has a wish they want voted, please look for my wish. My wish ID is 9767, please I've wished for it since FOREVER, thank you for the people who had voted.
Mar 06 2016
Other Wishes
  "I want my main eye color to be emerald green but I want my eyes to change color along with my moods blue for sad green for disgust red for anger pink for love hazel for happy etc all the colors go with all the emotions please and thank you ^~^
Mar 07 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish with all my heart that my hair would grow to my chest so I can finally be confident in my own skin
Mar 08 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I do really well in my boards this year with 100 on 100 in PCMB and also get a medical seat in St.John's Medical College and also that the guy whom I'm thinking o should start liking me and be my closest frnd and love me....pls grant my wish
Mar 08 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I had beautifol withe pegasus wings to Fly around And visit places please Make this wish come true it was my Dream since i was little please vote.
Mar 08 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I had long light brown curly that goes up to my mid-back, with nice big lips, thick arched eyebrows, clear even skin tone, light brown eyes, long natural curled eyelashes, and have a curvy body that which is skinny.
Mar 08 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that my nana would get me the lucky crystal make a wish necklace before march 16th and every wish i say while wearing it would come true instantly.
Mar 10 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish I had Mario party 7 for GameCube.
Mar 10 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that I can do tailwhips, bri flips, umbrellas, flares, and more on my scooter. Also have a power to be able to regenerate like Claire Bennett in heroes. Also be able to duplicate myself. And be able to rap really good like Jcole, and Eminem and to be a werewolf alpha just like Scott in teen wolf. And be super smart in school. Also be popular in school and also not be embarrassed easily. Also be sponsored by apex scooters. And to have perfect eye sight. Also I hope my soon to be baby brother will love me. Oh and one more that this whole thing will be voted for please. 471
Mar 12 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish to have a black and pink composition book with a pen.and the pen never run out of ink. Also the composition book never gets torn or runs out of pages. And any thing any thing that's written in that book comes true and any drawings come to life
Mar 13 2016
Other Wishes
  I wish that Saki and Luna and I will all have water powers. We can control it how ever we want. There would be a million was to do it. We can play with it, use it as protection, to fight, just whatever we want. We can even break thing with our water power. I can control it. Saki can freeze it, and Luna can make things out of it. I control everything that they make if it will cause danger.
Mar 13 2016
Other Wishes