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 I wish to be in better shape and health like i was a few back. i was at my happiest then.i also wish to find new love with a new man who is exactly my type and what i am looking for and also alittle extra money in my pocket wouldnt hurt either.

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185 /184 Category : New year

Posted at : May 11 2024  |  Votes : 10
Category : New year
WishID : 50956  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category New year
  I wish to get back my all disable facebook accounts and all friends rightnow without any documents or card submit.All disable facebook accounts has been restored by facebook team rightnow. from rightnow facebook allows fake profile names, celibreity pictures and overall every fake accounts forever and after. facebook never ask documents from users ever.Today i am getting back my all disable facebook accounts by miracle without any card or send my money anyone. my disable accounts has been restored rightnow by miracle.
Jan 11 2020
New year
  Aakash md babul hassan hates his wife forever and after from rightnow. Aakash md babul divorce his wife rightnow and never remember her again. Aakash md hates his wife and daughter for their bad work. His wife and daughter are the so called bitch from rightnow. Everyone hate them.aakash mds wife will suicide tonight with her daughter and they must be die immediately. Aakash md babul hassan will live alone and unhappy from rightnow forever and after.his financial problem will be never solved always and he will be sad forever. Aakash md babul hassan will be very much sorry and sad for what he did. His only way will be his old lover girl who never be loved by him. Aakash md babul hassan will be the devoted friend and lover of that girl forever and after from rightnow.anyone will never love aakash md babul hassan forever.
Jan 02 2020
New year
  I wish Roja serial earlier script writer S.Sekkizhar back to Roja serial again as script writer very soon
Jan 01 2020
New year
  Foez ahamed never ever will be a film director and a famous poet or writer. Foez will be total lost from the film media.farhana nahin and foez ahamed hate each other from rightnow forever and after. Foez ahamed lost his job,all money and lovers forever and after.everyone hate foez ahamed from rightnow. Foez ahamed is going to the jail for few months as a prisoner.foez will be un employed and a worthless person forever and after. Akshar ahamed will be sick tonight and die.fatin ahamed nabil will also die in sinking deep water tonight, nabils death will be very tragic.farhana nahin will suicide and die tonight on a live video chat. Foez ahamed has been punished for his hate speech and he will be live alone forever and after as a broken heart beggar from tommorow.
Dec 31 2019
New year
  I really want my story to be completed this year and it's called Stuck between two worlds (Book one) I'm tired of having this damn writer block after so long and please help me to be a brilliant writer.
Dec 30 2019
New year
  I wish no one will never ever use facebook again. Facebook server will be total down or closed from tommorow morning if facebook team do not fix or restore disable accounts immediately tonight.facebook team would die and shit immediately if fb disable accounts do not come back automatic tonight.
Dec 26 2019
New year
  I wish every facebook account never ever be disabled or locked. Every disabled accounts will be open or restore by fb team tonight like miracle. Without any card submit facebook disabled accounts will be come back tonight. Facebook will be closed forever and after if fb disabled accounts do not open or come back. Unlimited facebook accounts can be create with only 1 phone number from tonight and never ever be disabled or locked. Facebook disabled accounts will be fix by miracle tonight and restore again forever and after.
Dec 26 2019
New year
  Wishes that Anthony and i marry 1/2020 and i move within 30 days to his house. I wish to win a life changing amt of money so i have what i need to move and to help loved ones. I wish for devine good health and happiness between me and Anthony and divine good health for Sister, Bill, Chan, Mom all my relatives and long life and financial favors for them. Peace and killings to stop and all Terrorism to end and success to remove bad in white house. All the woma after my man permanently remove out of my mas life and they never come back into his life asap. All those men and women blocking or standing between me and Anthony i want them out of our way and totally gone where they cannot come back. May all Anthonys past lovers be gone and cut out of his like lightening speed.
Dec 26 2019
New year
  Doel and her son suicide together today at 12 pm . Doel will burn themselve today at 12 pm. Also burn their full house today with the sharkar market.they will left only ashes and ashes for sayeed khan today.doel and his son suicide together and die today also their family also die with them today. Only sayeed khan will live compleately okay with a broken heart forever and after.sayeed khan will lost his all money and house with his whole family today . Sayeed will be total moneyless and unhappy for ever and after from today.
Dec 22 2019
New year
  Sayeed khan will lost his job and all money from tommorow morning forever and after. Sayeed and doel hate each other from rightnow forever and after. Sayeed khan will divorce his wife today rightnow. Doel and his son die tonight. Doel suicides and die rightnow with his son. Doel and his son will lost forever after. Sayeed khan will live alone from tommorow morning forever and after. Sayeed khan losts his family and all lovers rightnow.anyone will never love sayeed khan again.everyone will hate sayeed khan. Sayeed will be hopeless worthles and alone forever.
Dec 20 2019
New year
  I wish previous script writer of Roja serial S.Sekkizhar back to Roja serial again as a script writer very soon. Please make Roja serial makers bring him back soon.
Dec 15 2019
New year
  Deseo tener un objeto que me concedan deseos y una jarana y un medallón y la colección de dragones y criaturas fantásticas y la colección de el fantástico mundo de los dinosaurios
Dec 01 2019
New year
  Get a crib and fen to move and my brother to play and brother and pool look like my dream and money and food and happy birthday and than my son to melt and than my mom to melt and
Sep 29 2019
New year
  I have fen move and brother and sister and tooele is real and haed like that is real it a toy and on people and it I have cribs that in my room and than my own home is big and very high have echoes and I yell and I haer echo and pool come in the house look like my dream and have my toy 8n it and hospital bed iv God say yes and than I have fun with my brother
Sep 29 2019
New year