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 I wish that Alec will fall in love with me. i am in love with him and i dont think he loves me back. please, i cant take to think about this anymore. i want to spend my life with him. thanks if u vote.

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Posted at : Aug 12 2014  |  Votes : 4
Category : Love
WishID : 7047  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Love
  I wish that my Alec will fall in love with me,i have a huge crush on him. please, i really want him to fall in love with me. i want him to like me WAY more then a friend. thank you if u vote.
Aug 12 2014
  I wish that i would have perfect boyfriend who would care about me more then anything else. he is from the same city as i,m from and he would be really cute, kind and friendly. we would find each other within 4 months
Aug 06 2014
  I wish that i would finally have a perfect boyfriend who cares more about me then anything else in this world.and that we find each other with in 4 months
Aug 05 2014
  I wish for more wishes, rain, thundertorms .I wish for all my wishes to get votes to come true. I wish for jerry to call me.come see me. job, money. good luck.
Aug 04 2014
  My wish is to hear from jerry W, that he would call and come to quincy,ill, or talk to ann, and ann take me to him in Tremont. need food money, job. car, sex sex, better place to live. get disability. jerry call me soon. I need car, money. laundry done. all spells and wishescome true more wishes. and prayers answerd. change in get hold of lincon land legal aide get divorce started. me job, money. and so much more. tony to give e 20.00 miracle.rain, thunderstorms in and around quincy for the next three days.heavy rain,flooding
Aug 04 2014
  I Wish For My Crush Sydney R To Fall in Love with me I have a Huge Crush On her Ever since I was young I always have liked her I want her to love Me I hope this wish does come true I remember her and I used to talk all the time when we were much younger I love her I really do I want her to feel the same way its like she Does not even notice me anymore I really want to be with her being with her would be my dream I have lost my faith in most thing I want her to desire me and only me I really care for her and I hate the way her exs treat her and other girls I don't like when guys mistreat girls I want this wish to come true to prove that good guys do win in the end I love You Sydney R I want to have a family with her at some point <3 I am sick of being alone I want my Wish Her to come true <3 <3 8888888888888888888
Aug 03 2014
  I wish for unshakable faith in God.
Jul 30 2014
  Long ago, I used to be in a romantic relationship with a girl I nicknamed "Janey-Chan". But one day, I found myself and she going our separate ways(we had broken up). For months, I have waited for a chance for our love to reconcile, but even now, she is in a relationship while I remain alone. My wish is this. When Janey-Chan breaks up with her current lover, she will invite me to a video chat on Skype. Luckily, I will be online and answer it. When I do, we will have a 90-minute long video chat. It will begin with Janey-Chan showing sorrow and frustration regarding her romantic life. I will comfort her and engage in a conversation with her. Fifteen minutes after it begins, I accidentally cause Janey-Chan to remember my romantic feelings in her. From there, the chat will become more sexual and romantic as time goes by, and will end with her developing feelings for me. Five days later, Janey-Chan and I will become a romantic couple, our love reconciled for good. We'll be inseparable.
Jul 29 2014
  I wish I get my dream job in Scotland and that my ex 'C.N' got back in touch with me because he misses me and wants me back, and he calls me very soon to tell me he wants me back, drives down to see me and showers me with affection like he used to. I wish that when I have to move to start work at my dream job he asks me to move in with him as his girlfriend and that we stay together happily and loyal to each other forever, and he never has eyes for anyone else. I wish that my family stay happy and healthy and they are glad when my ex asks for me to get back with him.
Jul 29 2014
  I wish for 3 women will fall into my bed tonight for sex. They will be lesbians and really really horny. At 11:00pm on July 28th 2014 they will be here. Nobody can see or hear them only I can. While we're having sex nobody will see or hear me. They will think I'm sleeping. The first one will be Jenn. She will have blonde hair,white, small boobs, and skinny. The second woman will be Kendra. She will have black hair, African American, big boobs, and average weight. The third one will be Rose. She will have light brown hair, Mexican, gigantic boobs, and a big butt. The sex will continue until 2:00am then they will disappear and come again the second night. They will bring sex toys and fun. While this is happening my hymen will not be intact (I'm a 20 year old female). They will be really horny and raunchy. I will feel no pain just pleasure.
Jul 28 2014
  I wish for Evan Hatfield to say "I love you" to me at 8:20 pm on July 28th 2014. It will be over text and he will love me forever and ever.
Jul 28 2014
  At 8:00 pm July 28th 2014, Alec Edinger will text me that I'm the hottest girl he's ever seen and wants to date me...Also he will say that he hates Lilia Garcia..
Jul 28 2014
  I wish that Stephen Lease will text me that he loves me and thinks I'm cute and wants to date me at 9:00 pm July 28th 2014. He will tell me that he loves me more than his girlfriend...
Jul 28 2014
  At 10:01 pm tonight Evan Hatfield will text me that I'm his best-friend and he loves me...
Jul 28 2014
Next 14 Wishes at category Love
  Every boy that I want to have a crush on me will have a crush on me.
Aug 16 2014
  I wish that my crush becomes my girlfriend by tomorrow.
Aug 17 2014
  I wish that this guys named rachique on this game called petpet park will love me forever no matter what he will flirt with me and do nasty things to me like putting his hands in my pants and stuff he will fall in love with me. my name is its_me_addisonXD on petpet park and rachique will not love charming539703 ever again... rachique will fall in love with its_me_addisonXD
Aug 18 2014
  I wish Davon H. asked me out.
Aug 21 2014
  I wish to be with my divine soul mate, that she is everything I ever wanted and want in a woman, and that I am everything she ever wanted and wants in a man.That we love and will love each other with all our hearts and souls to the end of time and beyond, in perfect love.That we are and will always be loyal, kind, considerate, devoted, understanding, and open with each other, and hide nothing from each other.That our love and devotion will show the world an example to follow, to help the people of this world understand what love truly is.That we are always beautiful to one another; and be together in everything we do.That we will marry, have two wonderful children in the future, a secure home to live in, and financial stability, in a world of peace.That we are always each others everything, even as we grow old together.That I will be with such a soul mate when this very wish is cast.
Aug 24 2014
  I wish I will meet and be with Samantha Eclair; a woman who is just younger than I, who is very beautiful, has natural red hair, has light tan clean skin, has dark blue eyes, has an hourglass figure, weighs roughly 130 pounds, is roughly 5 feet 7 inches tall, whose hair is about middle back length, and is very kind and devoted.That she will love me with all her might.And that I will meet her immediately after this wish is cast.
Aug 25 2014
  I wish within 2 days that my eye colour would change from my current colour to light blue and that my birthmark on my forehead would vanish and that I become a natural flirt around boys.
Aug 26 2014
  I wish Shannon Cummings would fall in love with me, and become my girlfriend.
Sep 01 2014
  I wish my crush Travis has a crush on me, likes me, be nice to me, remembers me from 2nd grade, thinks about me, has feelings for me, flirts with me, dreams of me, contacts me on facebook, talks to me again, and asks me to be his girlfriend please.
Sep 06 2014
  ευχομαι ο νικοσ να μου τα ζητησει αυριο και να μου πει οτι με αγαπαει πολυ και οτι δεν θελει να χωρισουμε ποτε και να μην χωρισουμε και να ανεβει αμφισσα αυριο..επισησ θελω οι καθηγητεσ να μου βαζουν συνεχεια 20 και να ειμαι παρα πολυ καλη μαθητρια ...οι γονεισ μου να γινουν πολυ πλουσιοι και να μοιαζω παρα πολυ στην adrianna lima ..
Sep 07 2014
  I wish that a really, really good looking and extremely kind and funny guy will move to my school and into my form, as soon as he sees me he will fall in love with me and he will talk to me and my friends and will hang out with us. Every girl will fancy him however he will only fancy me, he will flirt with me and he will ask me to be his girlfriend in a really sweet way. We will be a really cute couple and he will be in all of my lessons and he will live on my street, we will not only be dating but we will also be best friends and my family will adore him and his family will adore me and he will also have some cute guy friends and they will go out with my friends. Also I will become more and more beautiful as I grow up and when I become an adult I will become flawless.
Sep 07 2014
  I wish that my sister would love me again
Sep 07 2014
  I wish that Richard and I will rekindle our relationship, but better. No more sneaky stuff, sudden breaks, more openness, more maturity from not only him but in myself. Just for us to be completely happy together.
Sep 09 2014
Sep 10 2014