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 I wish a new gorgeous boy came to my school in the 10th grade and had a major crush on me and only me. We were together throughout high school and he was in all of my classes. I wish i was an expert softball, flag football, and tennis player and that i was a super genius.And that my thighs were tight and not giggle.

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Posted at : Mar 05 2015  |  Votes : 30
Category : Love
WishID : 8232  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Love
  I wish that dima deaton would fall in love me forever no matter what and that he would date me and that he will marry me. that he care about me.and I wish he kiss me tomorrow
Mar 03 2015
  Deseo con todas mis fuerzas conocer a ese hombre que sueño todas las noches, Nereo... lo amo y siento que es el amor de mi vida, amo como es él, como me trata, su personalidad encantadora... y él es a quien siempre he buscado en todos estos años se soledad y desamor... deseo vivir con él un hermoso romance que unirá en un abrazo todas mis partes rotas... lo deseo con toda mi corazón...
Mar 01 2015
  I wish that my biggest crush, A.M. would come back into my life. I will be given some of his contact info ASAP and i will begin to text him. We will begin talking together and he will eventually tell me that he has had a crush on me as well. Soon we would meet each other in person. We will be happy in a loving, caring, long-lasting relationship that all of our parents will approve of. He will also transfer to my school next semester.
Feb 28 2015
  I wish that Quinn would text me first and ask me to hangout. Please. Please. Please. Please. I wish he would ask me to hangout and smoke and watch netflix with him.
Feb 27 2015
  I wish that my life was a harem for about half a year. May girls who are interested in me, come out to me openly and make my life a harem just so I can have the experience. After the harem may I please meet my twin flame and may we live a happy life.
Feb 26 2015
  I wish my crush Reed Schaefer in Tarkanian middle school asked me out on Monday morning while waiting to go inside our lockers. And TOMARROW he will give me his oovoo and we chat. I also hope he will text me a lot more than he is now and we talked a lot in school and some days he will sit with me at lunch time.
Feb 21 2015
  I wish my crush Julia Peek would be my girlfriend. I wish she would talk to me, message me, call me, hug me, kiss me, and go out on a date. Please vote.
Feb 20 2015
  I wish that i got to meet Ethan and Grayson Dolan this weekend and that Grayson and i started hanging out and he started to like me then after a while he asked me out and i got to spend time with him and we got even closer.
Feb 20 2015
  My greatest wish that I want to come true overnight is for Austin Mahone to realize his feelings for me and talk to me instantly. I want him to become my boyfriend and be happy together. Make my wish come true overnight, please.
Feb 19 2015
  I wish that Demetrice G. follows me on IG then asks for my kik. Then he will ask me for my oovoo and things will continue. After about two weeks of constant contact, he will ask me out.
Feb 18 2015
  I wish Clement John from my Strolling Strings 6th hour orchestra class at shawnee mission north would love me and ask me out tomorrow during lunch.
Feb 17 2015
  I wish with my whole heart to be in a loving romantic relationship with a good-looking guy. He is everything that I love and want in a man. He is tall, with gorgeous sexy eyes. He's smart and very funny - his humor is compatible with mine. He's masculine. He's healthy mentally and physically. He understands me and he sincerely loves me. We are so in love with each other and very attracted to one another. We are now in a wonderful romantic relationship.Make this wish come true....please.
Feb 17 2015
  I wish that I completely let Kristoffer T go now, because it's the right thing for me to do. He is now out of my mind, body, heart and soul - I'm totally over him and free from him. I'm so happy :)So mote it be!
Feb 17 2015
  I wish to meet the love of my life in person, we've been bestfriends for the longest amount of time and we're officially together, but it's long distance. I just want to be able to hold him close and let him know that I'll never leave his side. I need him here beside me, he's my forever and a day. <3
Feb 16 2015
Next 14 Wishes at category Love
  Please!Please! I beg that this wish I'm about to make will come true. I wish that Joseph.M will find me very attractive. I want him to fall deeply in love with me. He will realize that I am not a kid but the love of his life. He will shower me in affection. Friends and family will not mind the age gap. Joseph.M and I will be very passionate about each other. We will never disrespect one another and we will stay 100% honest and loyal to each other. We will have a secret relationship until we are ready to confess our love to others. I also wish for a long happy relationship with him.
Mar 05 2015
  I wish for kunle to like me and ask me out at school to be his girlfriend.I want him to love me,kiss me and make out at school without being ashamed to do it.
Mar 07 2015
  I wish that I will become naturally beautiful and flawless in every way, also my crush will begin to fancy me and he will genuinely care about me and how I feel, he will ring me tomorrow just so he can hear my voice however it won't be awkward, he will stop flirting with other girls but he will continue to flirt with me and on Tuesday my crush and my friend will come over to my house and hangout, we will have a great time and it will be perfect. My crush will ask me out and we will secretly start a relationship and only our close friends will know, we will be a really cute couple and do loads of cute things together, we will fall madly in love with eachother. Also he will become even more handsome and all of my friends will like him and become his friends and I will become friends with his friends.
Mar 07 2015
  I wish that i have white hair , red eyes and that i speak japanese and english very good and that i live in a beautiful house in Akiba in Japan and i would have a beautiful room and have a perfect life with my mom and little brother and i would have loads of Soul eater the anime things in my room and that i have loads of anime friends to talk to and my boyfriend will be a cute anime cosplayer that i could cosplay with and he would be 13
Mar 08 2015
  I wish all teddy bears and dolls are like new and their face are like it just been made by the first time i love my first teddy bear its so cute and making me happy.
Mar 09 2015
  I wish that tomorrow, when I go swimming the guy I fancy will flirt with me and we will have a great time, he will try to impress me and I will look amazing, I will look prettier than anybody else. I will look naturally beautiful and my body will look like an hourglass figure and my skin will look tanned. He will ask me out soon after and we will have a really cute relationship together
Mar 13 2015
  I wish for jerry Williams to call me and make some free time to come see me, reuite us , jerry and I start dating , get into relationship. get into housing ,get help with furniture and everything I need. get my ill. state income tax check. get divorce. done and over sex. new boyfriend, new life. new clothes. new car. all ,my wishes and prayers come true. me get another cat. good luck come my way. god send sign. to me . I want to be with jerry Williams. im I love him. get money from dad and linda.
Mar 13 2015
  I wish not to be alone anymore.jerry willims call me , reuinete us. get us together. relationship. have him come to quincy ill. we start seeing each other. please god,me to get into housing. one bedroom open up at Fredrick ball. and get my state income tax check in the mail. get money from dad and linda. get out of this waiting . move foreward. get divorce. get car. new clothes. new things I need. also mend fences with mom. bring new boyfriend. get another cat. want to be with jerry Williams. love him. need miracle to happen. all prayers answered. get everything I want. jerry break up with girl he is seeing now. reunite us . send sign from god.
Mar 16 2015
  I wish that Linus in my class will always look at me in the lessons anf help me alot in class and sometimes he will follow me home or walk with me to school , he would like anime too and watch it sometimes with me and read manga together and loads of things than after a while he will ask me to be his girlfriend when we are alone and i woll say yes and we would be happy and always help eachother or protect eachother. We would sometimes cosplay or make or own cosplay.
Mar 20 2015
  I wish when I'm 14 years old my body start forming like draya michele. I wish I had the exact house she has when I'm older. I wish I work the same career as her and didn't know it. I wish I had a great life, a loyal husband and straight pretty good kids and not get fat. I wish my husband never cheat on me and we never get divorce. I wish my life is perfect with god in it. Please vote! I wish with all my heart this vote will come true and I won't even know it.
Mar 22 2015
  I want to have sex with Sebastian T. without anyone finding out. He likes me and is very attracted to shall it be!...........
Mar 23 2015
  I wish that Max and Quinn would talk to me first. I wish that they both wanted to be with me and would constantly text me. I wish that they both want to hangout with me.
Mar 24 2015
  I wish that my best friend Kelly could loose loads of weight and look beautiful and have a beautiful guy come to our college who is exactly her type who will fall in love her her and make her feel special.
Mar 27 2015
  I wish that the past could be changed so I didn't send that horrible text to Kane, cast that love spell that backfired or hit on Kane when I thought that he had broken up with Shannell. I wanna be like a bro to Kane and matey so I don't betray his trust and he won't hate me.
Mar 27 2015