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 I wish that Kane and Shannell would fall out of love and that Kane would quickly fall in love with me and be my boyfriend. I wish that Shannell would fall in love with somebody else.

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Posted at : Apr 14 2015  |  Votes : 27
Category : Love
WishID : 8479  

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Previous 14 Wishes at category Love
  I wish that in the morning on the bus that the boy I truly love his name is Miles Brandon a.k.a Jordan asked me to be his girlfriend and truly loved me and when I give him my phone number he texts me everyday when I move we stay together as a couple
Apr 11 2015
  I wish my dad will let me get a otter box and my mom at the verzion store for my iPod iven of its 50.00 he and she doesn't mind plase grant my wish love u all
Apr 08 2015
  Natalie C will break up with her boyfriend, Artim V, but will reconcile her friendship with him. After Natalie has recovered from the sadness of her breakup, and everything has settled down, Natalie will ask me out on a date. If I, Mason H, accept, Natalie will stay being my girlfriend for however long it takes me to graduate from high-school. I, Mason Harris, will then marry her, and we will live happily.
Apr 03 2015
  I want my biggest crush (VĂ­fill) would wake up in a week and be in love with me, he would always listen to me talk to me and comfort me when i need comforting and he will hug, kiss and make out with me whenever we want to. I need love in my life
Apr 02 2015
  I want a boyfriend that is like my age. 19A boy should be skinny and hot looking.Someday we will get married.Our wedding will be church.Our cake should be pretty.
Mar 30 2015
  I wish for Jamie to come up for a visit for a few days. Have sex with me kiss me unexpectedly to email me and to be her girlfriend. To cuddle each other
Mar 29 2015
  I wish that the past could be changed so I didn't send that horrible text to Kane, cast that love spell that backfired or hit on Kane when I thought that he had broken up with Shannell. I wanna be like a bro to Kane and matey so I don't betray his trust and he won't hate me.
Mar 27 2015
  I wish that my best friend Kelly could loose loads of weight and look beautiful and have a beautiful guy come to our college who is exactly her type who will fall in love her her and make her feel special.
Mar 27 2015
  I wish that Max and Quinn would talk to me first. I wish that they both wanted to be with me and would constantly text me. I wish that they both want to hangout with me.
Mar 24 2015
  I want to have sex with Sebastian T. without anyone finding out. He likes me and is very attracted to shall it be!...........
Mar 23 2015
  I wish when I'm 14 years old my body start forming like draya michele. I wish I had the exact house she has when I'm older. I wish I work the same career as her and didn't know it. I wish I had a great life, a loyal husband and straight pretty good kids and not get fat. I wish my husband never cheat on me and we never get divorce. I wish my life is perfect with god in it. Please vote! I wish with all my heart this vote will come true and I won't even know it.
Mar 22 2015
  I wish that Linus in my class will always look at me in the lessons anf help me alot in class and sometimes he will follow me home or walk with me to school , he would like anime too and watch it sometimes with me and read manga together and loads of things than after a while he will ask me to be his girlfriend when we are alone and i woll say yes and we would be happy and always help eachother or protect eachother. We would sometimes cosplay or make or own cosplay.
Mar 20 2015
  I wish not to be alone anymore.jerry willims call me , reuinete us. get us together. relationship. have him come to quincy ill. we start seeing each other. please god,me to get into housing. one bedroom open up at Fredrick ball. and get my state income tax check in the mail. get money from dad and linda. get out of this waiting . move foreward. get divorce. get car. new clothes. new things I need. also mend fences with mom. bring new boyfriend. get another cat. want to be with jerry Williams. love him. need miracle to happen. all prayers answered. get everything I want. jerry break up with girl he is seeing now. reunite us . send sign from god.
Mar 16 2015
  I wish for jerry Williams to call me and make some free time to come see me, reuite us , jerry and I start dating , get into relationship. get into housing ,get help with furniture and everything I need. get my ill. state income tax check. get divorce. done and over sex. new boyfriend, new life. new clothes. new car. all ,my wishes and prayers come true. me get another cat. good luck come my way. god send sign. to me . I want to be with jerry Williams. im I love him. get money from dad and linda.
Mar 13 2015
Next 14 Wishes at category Love
  I wish that my crush Angel will like me back and that he will like no one else than me PLZ also that he will ask me out and that he will always look at me and smile at me and wink at me and play with me.
Apr 15 2015
  I wish Josue from my Acting class texted me tonight and asked me out and he loved me so much. I wish that he was filthy rich he bought me whatever I wanted and he wanted to always have hard sex with condoms in his mansion house and expensive car. He paid off all my moms expensive's and my parents approved of our relationship no matter how old he is. I wish his long cock could fit into my virgina cause now nothing fits in there. My parents let us have as much sex as we wanted as long as it was safe
Apr 15 2015
  I wish to have a romantic and a sweet happy peaceful love life with my girlfriend. To be together always in deep love, care and devotion. To study together in University and have a great time. Our parents to love and support our relationship and be happy for us always.
Apr 16 2015
  I wish that everyday I will become more and more beautiful and naturally flawless, I will also begin to look very similar to Nina Dobrev when she was younger and on Saturday the guy I like will get over the girl he likes now and instead will be hypnotised by me, he will constantly be thinking about me and will therefore start to fall in love with me. My life will drastically change and everything I hate about my life will completely change.
Apr 17 2015
  I wish that Allaine, a.k.a the girl in my band class at Springbrook High School, would deeply fall in love with me and follow me everywhere I go, except to my first six class.
Apr 19 2015
  I wish I end up with this very special beautiful amazing woman (bibi) may we keep going forward and our new friendship evolves into a caring, positive and beautiful relationship always in mindset of each other wanting this life in no other way than to always be together........
Apr 20 2015
  I wish I'd be able to please any lover that I have. I wish to be an amazing kisser. I wish that my lover would enjoy my snuggles and cuddles. I want to be good at anything about love. kisses,emotions,sex,cuddles,etc
Apr 22 2015
  Hi I Love Rahul M.... a lot and want to marry him but his parents not accepting our relationship and not allowing him to marry me. We tried everything to convince them. We want to marry each other but with our parents consent and want to Live our life with them. please pray for me so that soon his parents come into our favour and allow him to marry me. And after that we marry each other and live our life happily together. Please pray.... Thanks....
Apr 22 2015
  I want this wish to come true on Monday April 27 2015 at 6:00am.I wish I was in the world of Soul Eater (anime series). The main cast would be my closest friends. I would be a weapon at the DWMA. One of the strongest weapons and I can fight without a meister. Eren Jaeger will be my meister. I will be extreamly rich and wealthy. When I get to class people will be admiring me and Eren. The teacher will announce that we're the two new students and tell us to go sit by Maka. I wish Death the Kid would instantly take a liking towards me and he will love me. On Friday May 22nd 2015 at 3:30pm he would ask me to be his girlfriend and invite me to his place. We would never break up and on January 7rd 2016 at 7:38pm he would propose. The qualities I wish for are:Naturally straight hair with no split ends,my bust would be DD and would be perfect,slim arms and legs,flat stomach,amazing kisser,very high iq,very strong,brave,knows how to cook well,fights well,mature,amazing singer and no freckles.
Apr 24 2015
  I wish that when I am 16 I start a YouTube channel that gets popular. Another Youtuber my age that I have a crush on sees my channel, and since we both do gaming videos of the same games, he asks me if I want to do a video with him. I agree and the video is a huge success so we do more videos together. Eventually we find out we live in the same town so we meet up and fall in love. When we graduate college we get married and have a long happy life together. Also I wish to get a desktop computer this year that is great for gaming, has lots of ram, a good graphics card, and lasts a long time that way I'll actually be able to game. :) :) Please vote :D :)
Apr 27 2015
  I wish that I will look insanely beautiful, I will become extremely attractive especially to Shaun, his feelings for me will become a lot stronger and will get stronger everyday, he will flirt with me all the time and he will even begin to fall in love with me. We will go to the cinemas this weekend and he will ask me to be his girlfriend; we will be a really cute couple, it wont ever be awkward and he wont care about any other girls, he wont flirt with anyone else but me. Also if I want anything to happen all I have to do is imagine it and want it to happen and it will no matter how impossible
Apr 27 2015
  I wish my hair will grow 24 inches long overnight by tomorrow morning. I wish my hair will be healthy thick and soft. I wish my hair will be easy to manage. I wish my hair will not shed a lot. I wish no one will remember me with short hair. I wish all of my hair will be black.
Apr 27 2015
  I wish that by the next morning that this girl name Esperaza r. that I had known since I moved to Central High School in Alabama texted me and asked me out and be together forever . I really do love this girl but I don't know if she feels the same about me . please let this happen .I really do love her
Apr 28 2015
  I wish that I will become naturally beautiful, I will look so insanely beautiful that most straight guys will find me attractive; I will look flawless all the time. I will also become incredibly intelligent and will become really good at running. The guy I fancy will start to fancy me and every day these feelings will become stronger, I will always be on his mind and he will love to be around me. He will completely get over the girl he fancies now and will actually hate her because she will be really bitchy to him and me for no reason and he will feel really defensive over me because he will be in love with me. We will go to the cinemas with some of his guy friends to see the film I want to see this weekend and the entire time he will flirt with me and will ask me to be his girlfriend; we will be a really cute couple and he wont flirt with anybody else. Also whoever my best friend from primary school fancies will fancy and flirt with me.
Apr 28 2015